One of the most famous singers of France Silvie Vartan was born in Bulgaria. Every year she comes back in our country and makes concerts. The Bulgarians like her a lot because Silvie sings very well. I suggest you to listen to " Oblache le bialo","The little white cloud". I'd like to thank Betina for her idea to find and to publish our national children's songs.
Be happy!
Many hugs, Reny
Reny, this is a very touching video and music. I don't understand the lyric (not yet, hehehe)but the sounds and the pictures say a lot.
Thanks a lot, Reneta.
Hi, Betty! Thanks a lot! I tried to find some lyrics into English but the result was wrong! I'll try to do it again.
Many hugs, Reny
Hi, Betty! I couldn't find any lyrics of the song/ into English/ but I'll try to explain with sample words. The song is about the Bulgarian who is in an another country like an emigrant. The Bulgarian "ask" a little white cloud to "tell" him about the place where he was born and about his parents.He loves his country a lot and he wants to come back again. He is in an another country but he wants to hug his relatives.
The music is a little sad but it's exciting because everybody loves your country.
I hope that you will understand me! Have you ever felt as the Bulgarian in lyrics?
Many hugs, Reny
Zdravei Reny!
Mnogo mersi za pesenta i za pozdravivaneto vi.Vseki chovek moje da si spomni rodnoto si miasto i rodninite si.Da praf si az sam izselnik obache sas spogodba dodahme tuka v Turtsia.Az nikoga ne sa samniavam kato Bulgarin." I never felt as Bulgarian."Az sam Turchen i taka sa samniavam." Ne mutlu Türk'üm diyene."Gore edno video izprashtam deto mnogo neshto obesniava za men.Mnogo pozdravi ot miasto, kadeto vie kazvate " Nash nash Tsari
Grad nash." Raif
Yes, Reny, that's exactly what i understood. In Portugal we also have many emigrants and that kind of situations are very common around here.
Thanks, Betty! I'm glad that you understood me!
Be happy!
Kind regards, Reny
Hi, Raif! Thanks for the great words! Of course, I don't want to say anything about your Turkish nationality. It's true, you are Turkish but Bulgaria and Turkey are as neighbours. Bulgarians would like Turkish in EU, too so I think that it would be important about our friendship.
Kind regards, Reny
PS: I'm sorry, Raif if you worried about something...
Be happy!
Kind regards, Reny
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