Monday, 22 November 2010

Let's celebrate Thanksgiving Day!

Dear, All! On the 25th November is Thanksgiving Day, one of the most famous American holidays. It's interesting to learn that "on this day people express gratitude to God for his blessings and give thanks to dear ones for their love and support". The people prepare delicious food like a roast turkey and a pumpkin pie. The restaurants suggest a special Thanksgiving Menu and everyone can enjoy it with songs and dance.
Do you like this holiday? How do you celebrate?
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Kind regards, Reny


Betina Astride said...

Hi, Reny.
Thanks for the information.
At Portugal, we don't celebrate this Day.

billabung said...

Hi, Betty! Thanks, too!
The Thanksgiving Day isn't famous too much in Bulgaria but I teach English so I have to tell my pupils something interesting about this celebration. I prepare one more thing- a presentation for it on our blog.
Many hugs and kisses, Reny