Monday, 8 November 2010

My little ducks

Hi friends, 

I have a Romanian song that my children like a lot. I hope your children will like it, too. It's about some little ducks that go to water. They are swimming, playing but finally they are hungry and start fishing than go home happily and have a rest.

Ratustele mele (Cream)
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Svetla Popova said...

Hi Maria! The song, which you suggest is very melodic and easy to learn from children. Thank you! This song is wonderful ...Svetla Popova

Betina Astride said...

Hi Maria. Thanks for the song. Im Portugal we also have a song about little ducks and i'm pretty sure that is the same song. I'm going find it for our blog.

billabung said...

Thanks so much, Maria! The song is easy and funny! I'll try to learn it with my pupils!
Kind regards, Reny