Monday, 6 December 2010

Colinde, colinde (Carols, carols)

Colinde, colinde

Colinde, colinde,
E vremea colindelor,
Căci gheaţa se-ntinde
Asemeni oglinzilor.
Şi tremură brazii
Mişcând ramurele,
Căci noaptea de azi-i
Când scântee stelele.

Se bucur copiii,
Copiii şi fetele,
De dragul Mariei
Îşi piaptănă pletele...
De dragul Mariei
Şi al Mântuitorului
Luceşte pe ceruri
O stea călătorului.

The lyrics belong to our great poet Mihai Eminescu.  I hope you like it.


billabung said...

Thanks so much, Valy!
Best wishes to you and to your children!
Kind regards, Reny

Betina Astride said...

This is a very nice performence from your pupils, Valy. Give them a big portuguese hug, please.
Thanks, also, for the lyric in romanian. I can't understand (yet hihihih) but i like to look at it and maybe in the end of our project we will know a little bit more about our languages.

emipop said...

Draga Valy,
Este foarte frumos colindul.Elevii tai il interpreteaza minunat. Eu nu stiam ca versurile acestui colind sunt puse pe muzica.Il vor invata si elevii mei de aici.

RaifVAT said...

Hi, Valy!
Thanks a lot to you and to your pupils.I love it a lot.I posted it to our radio you can listen from there.Give my and my pupils big hug to your children.

Svetla Popova said...

Hi Valy, acappella singing is difficult, but your children are wonderful singers. I want to thank you for this song - my children will like it surely. I will show it to them tomorrow. I want to ask you - where you went up to photograph your students? You're a good photographer, really. Best regards from me and Bulgaria : Svetla

Valy said...

Thanks you all.
Yes, Svetla!I teach many students - 28 - so I wanted to have them all in the same picture . That's why I had to be up ...on the teacher's desk.:) I 'm glad you liked our carol even if the light wasn't so good, but I know what to do next time.

mpetry said...

Valy,your children are fantastic! My students liked this carol very much and after watching this short film they were singing " colinde, colinde ". It is nearly the same with Polish word " koleda ". It was difficult to sing this carol without music. Greetings from SP 25 Lublin and congratulation!