Saturday, 12 March 2011

Our Dear Homeland

Dear, friends!
You can remember the song "Our Dear Homeland" which we published two weeks ago. Our pupils learned this song and now they are ready to sing it.
Listen to "Our Dear Homeland" and Bulgarian children. Hope that you will like it.
Many hugs and kisses, Reny, Darina, pupils


RaifVAT said...

Dear Reny your work has been very nice.Military service reminded me my feelings.We would like to sing this song.Can you send me the lyrics of this song?I congratulate you and your sweet and successful pupils.

Mnogo priatni pozdravi ot men i ot nashite uchenitsi.

Svetla Popova said...

Dear Reny, thank you for the lovely song. I love it and like it very much. I am glad that you educate your beautiful Bulgarian children in patriotism. Accept my deep reverence and gratitude : Svetla

billabung said...

Thank you so much, Raif!
Of course, I'll send you the lyrics!
Blagodaria za hubavite pojelania!
Mnogo pozdravi ot Sofia i ot nas, Reny, Darina i uchenici

billabung said...

Many thanks, Svetle!
I'm glad that you liked our performance!
We're looking forward your fantastic songs and "sweet" kids!
Kind regards, Reny, Darina, pupils

Betina Astride said...

Hi Sofia's Team

I'm sorry my late comment.
Thanks for this very nice song.
Congratulations to all.

billabung said...

Thank you very much, Betty!
Kind regards, Reny, Darina, pupils