Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Song about Polish language ( rap )

Dear friends,
Polish language is difficult.This song is about writing in Polish.


Betina Astride said...

Thanks a lot children and Marta.
It's very nice to feel that they are haveing fun!

RaifVAT said...

Dear Marta you have very sweet pupils and they so talanted. Congratulation all of them.
Big hugs to all.

Svetla Popova said...

Dear Martha! You say that your language is difficult. Because I do not know Bulgarian. I do not know Polish, but I hear that it sounds very gentle and cantabile. I am pleased to hear that song. A lot of kids have fun as they imagine it. Bravo! Hugs to all friends in Poland: Svetla

billabung said...

Congratulations, Marta and pupils!
You are so talented!
Best wishes from Bulgarian friends, Reny, Darina, children

mpetry said...

Thank you -children like to sing and play very much.They like to watch videos with songs from different countries in our project.