Sunday, 18 September 2011

Greetings from SP 25 Lublin / POLAND

Dni Otwarte sp 25 Lublin Slideshow: SP’s trip to Lublin, Polska Wschodnia, Polska was created by TripAdvisor. See another Lublin slideshow. Create your own stunning slideshow with our free photo slideshow maker.


billabung said...

Wonderful photos!
Congratulations, Marta and pupils!
Best wishes to all of you!
Greetings from Bulgaria, Reny, Darina

Betina Astride said...

Hi there!
Very nice, polish team from Lublin!
I wish you the best for another school year :)

Svetla Popova said...

Hello Polish partners! I thank you for your shared moments of school life. As always I am very impressed with your decor - these colorful trees are amazing. I will copy this color idea and will use it in my practice. Of course, if you do not mind it ... Do you allow me? Hugs from Bulgaria

mpetry said...

Yes, of course Svetla! We share our ideas.Next time I can use your ideas :)

billabung said...

Dear friends,
Our blog is the place where we can collaborate and communicate, and improve our skills. It's a place which inspires about positive results, and motivates for creative work.
Thank you very much to all of you!
Many hugs and kisses, Reny, Darina :)

Betina Astride said...

You are very kind, Reny and darina.
Thank you.