Monday, 17 October 2011

European Day of Languages II

From portuguese school, Montemor-o-Novo...


Svetla Popova said...

Hello Portuguese children! Your drawings are wonderful and very detailed. From your movie I understood that you know much about European languages​​, countries and flags. The song, which is the background of the movie is great. I am glad that I heard you speak Bulgarian. If I come to Portugal - I promise you I will learn Portuguese. Until we meet again, dear children.
Dear Betty, thank you for this useful film. We do not yet work with children. But when they return to kindergarten, I will show your film - together we will watch it. Then I will write a new comment on their reactions. See you soon! Svetla

Betina Astride said...

Thank you so much, dear Svetla :)
You're very kind. We hope your children like it too!
Big hug... maybe in Portugal!!

billabung said...

Dear Betty,
Many thanks for the fantastic video and wonderful greetings in different languages! Your children are so talent! We're happy because of it!
Warm wishes from Bulgaria, Reny, Darina and pupils :)