Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Five little ducks

Clothes and movements have also. An example be able to have children in our schools. Lyrics of the song is also very nice. Best regards From İstanbul.


Valy said...

The children are very nice. Indeed they like playing while singing.

RaifVAT said...

Thanks Valy! You are right.

nilay ayşe said...

really! they very nice...

nilay ayşe said...

really! they very nice...

nilay ayşe said...

really! they very nice...

billabung said...

Congratulations, Raif! The video and the song are very nice! Our pupils can dance, sing and they can have a great time with "five little ducks".
Kind regards, Reny

Betina Astride said...

Thanks, Raif. It seems very easy to do with our pupils.

RaifVAT said...

Hi Betty, The movement is easy but really we haven't more time to do this action.