Monday, 4 April 2011

A forgotten work!

Dear friends In fact Baba Marta time is passed but...pupils had draw. I'm much sorry i forgot. I'm a little late but still i wanted to publish with you.I hope you will like. Best regards.


Betina Astride said...

Ok Raif, don't worry, you did it right.
Well done, students. Your works are very nice. Congratulations :)
... and very nice muscic!

billabung said...

Well done, Raif!
Thank you so much for these fantastic drawings! Best wishes to your talent children!
Congratulations for the song!
It's into Bulgarian and it is performed by Miro, a famous singer.
Your work is brilliant!
Kind regards, Reny, Darina and pupils
Сърдечни поздрави и благодарности от приятелска София, Рени, Дарина и техните ученици

Svetla Popova said...

Raif, you and your children are delivering to us great pleasure with your drawings. I see that some of them are in Bulgarian letters. You are wonderful neighbors and friends. This is very nice - to write the language of the partners and to congratulate them with drawings of their folk custom. I would like very much to rejoice you in a similar manner. Kind regards : Svetla