Thursday, 22 December 2011

Be Happy!

For you from me!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
All the best, Reny :)
To all my friends! by billabung
Bulgarian Christmas Carol by billabung


Magdalena said...

I understood " svetła ? ta prazdnicna noc"- the Holy Night , it sounds like Russsian a little bit.Thank you for your beautiful wishes:)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:)

billabung said...

Thank you, too, dear Mag!
Yes, the word is a little bit Russian, but into Bulgarian it sounds as "празнична нощ"(great night).
Happy Christmas Holidays!
A big hug, Reny :)

Svetla Popova said...

Dear Reny! You did a wonderful thing - your message is pleasant for listening. You used an interesting way to give joy to all partners. I thank you very much for this program. Kisses from Shumen

Betina Astride said...

I agree :) It's very nice to hear these kind messeges!
Thank you!